Thank you, Nurse Coach!

For many years as an ICU Nurse, I had a side gig (and still do) as a group fitness instructor.   Honestly, it was one outlet for demolishing and preventing burnout and adding elements of self-care into my fast paced, protocol driven, high-stakes healthcare environment.

My Nursing Journey

My journey led me to presenting at fitness events in front of thousands of other fitness professionals. I make it sound like it was easy. It was not. It was a very competitive environment, and it didn’t always offer ways to bring self-love, self-compassion to the forefront.

It was difficult.  I had to be vulnerable, try things that were different and learn to be a leader in that space.   Even though it was difficult, I LOVED the work, the commitment and the dedication required to become successful, and I accepted my role as a national trainer and fitness presenter, and valued it greatly.

And then I created my own business as a Nurse Coach… now that was hard!  We don’t get taught business in Nursing school, however, my experience as an ICU Nurse taught me I could do anything and do it well.  So, I learned to combine my passions in Nursing with my passions in fitness and Nurse Coaching to establish a business, just like so many of my Nurse Coach colleagues (did you know we have a specialty course called The Business of Nurse Coaching to help you with all the ‘business stuff?).  And it has been a powerful journey of vulnerability.

Why I share this with you, is because of how it connects to the showing up in your community as a Nurse Coach.

There is vulnerability as a leader in Nurse Coaching

There is vulnerability as a leader, in Nursing, Nurse Coaching, and in whatever way you are showing up- even as a fitness presenter and trainer.

So, to get in ‘character’, I’d like you to Imagine yourself exercising… yes, I know, it seems weird, still, just give it a shot.  For some, this is a space of ease, for others, it’s a space of distaste.

Breathing hard. Red faced. Sweat down your forehead and that same sweat making shapes on your tights in places you’d rather not focus on.  How many more repetitions? “You want me to what?” you think, as the instructor appears flawless.

Shorts climbing up your butt. Socks falling into your shoes. Gasping for air, while others around you appear un-frazzled. “Why am I a wet noodle while look fresh and new? UGH!”  You might want to give up. You think, why am I doing this hard thing??   Then, you see yourself in the mirror, as you are. Vulnerable, sweaty, hot, working so, so hard.

Let’s take three breaths in and out together…




The reality is… the absolute truth is…

You are doing it, Nurse Coach!

YOU are DOING IT Nurse Coach! YOU are the Leader!

You are the TRUTH!

  • You are stepping up and showing up and doing the stuff that is hard… The stuff that NO ONE else has done yet.
  • You are opening doors for Nurses to come after you!
  • You are creating things that are only ideas in someone else’s mind.
  • You are showing up when others only dream of showing up.
  • You may look around at others who you think are coasting along, while you struggle.
  • And you will think, how are they making this look so easy, while I am struggling?

And I am here to say, THANK YOU! 

Thank you!

Thank you for being vulnerable. Thank you for working you’re a$$ off. Thank you for showing up when only one other person did too. And thank you for showing up when no one else did.

Thank you for creating a new program that will affect one person on this day, and then your cumulative efforts will affect thousands of people over time.

Thank you for using your creativity to open the minds of those who were closed before they met you.

Thank you for losing sleep the night before a big event you planned.

Thank You, Nurse Coach!

Thank you for writing a blog about what you do, even though you felt like you didn’t have the ‘correct’ words to describe what you meant. And the person(s) who read it told a friend about what you said, because you inspired them. Or they made a change in their life, because of your intent.

Thank you for opening a place where people can feel safe, because they are with you.

Thank you for trying something that didn’t work, and then sharing your learnings with a colleague, even though you felt exposed because it wasn’t as successful as you had hoped.

Thank you for renting that space and opening your heart to those people who needed you.

Thank you for doing a Facebook Live or an Instagram Reel, even though you didn’t know what to say, but that one person heard your message, and they shifted their behavior because you inspired them.

Thank you for taking a course that only a handful of other people had taken, and you realized it had changed the trajectory of your life, personally and professionally.

Thank you for making a comment or clicking ‘like’ on a fellow Nurse Coaches social media page.

Thank you for taking a moment to pause and reflect on your abundant life.

Thank you for asking for help when you need it, and when you know you need it, and when you think you know, but don’t really.

Thank you for reaching out to someone you see who is struggling and offering a helping hand.

Thank you for supporting a fellow Nurse with a handwritten note of gratitude.

Thank you for creating a Facebook group out of love.

Thank you for being open and honest about the hard work it takes to create a business and you were never taught any of it in Nursing school.

Thank you for laughing at yourself, and for honoring your greatness.

Thank you for being willing to try, and accept that sometimes, you will fail. And yet, you pick up what you have learned, and you take a step forward.

Thank you for putting down what isn’t yours.

Thank you for your authenticity.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart.

Thank you for your fierce commitment to seeing the strengths in those you surround yourself with.

I know I could continue to thank you all day long, because you are awesome…. so one more time…

Thank you.

You are advancing Nurse Coaching, by all the little and big steps. 

You are living your life to its full capacity. You are cherishing your authenticity. You are showing up as you are, in this moment.

Come back here, any time you need a lift to read these words of genuine gratitude for all you do for the Integrative Nurse Coach® Community!

You are loved, xo Nurse Coach Nicole

ps…want to hear from other Integrative Nurse Coaches who are vulnerable and showing up in their communities?  Listen to the podcast, Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION!

You’ll love listening to Nurses who love this work as much as you do.

Nicole Vienneau

Nicole Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BC is a recovering burned-out ICU Nurse.  Through Integrative Nurse Coaching and holistic modalities, she’s on the daily voyage to well-becoming.

Nicole is founder Restoration Room  and Blue Monarch Health, an author, podcast host of the Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION!, holds a board certification in Integrative Nurse Coaching and combines 20+ years of Nursing with 30+ years of fitness, health coaching and energy work to partner with mid-life women and healthcare workers who want to THRIVE!

She loves her husband, her two crazy cats and enjoys being in nature and having fun.

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