Introducing Yoga for Nurses!

Yoga for Nurses has been a long time coming. The development of yoga derived from India some 5,000 years ago but may have existed long before that. It was not introduced to the West until late 1800s-early 1900s in the Modern period when yoga masters began traveling to other countries, and then slowly grew in popularity.

Today, the ancient practice of yoga is popular in all walks of life and is practiced in privately owned studios and online, public schools, hospitals, public parks, fitness clubs, and yes….I even found yoga being practiced on bingo night at a local senior center. However, I did not see yoga specifically geared towards nurses.

Before I tell you about an amazing program that I recently became aware of, let’s talk a little about what many nurses are dealing with. Perhaps this resonates with you.

The Stressors of Being a Nurse

Don’t get me wrong…. Nursing is a very fulfilling calling in the intention nursing was supposed to be, but with all the angst of holding on to what we cannot control has made a profound impact on our overall health and wellbeing.

The struggles we as nurses are faced within the workplace environment like long shift hours, staffing shortages, changing schedules, bullying, physical demands, compassion fatigue, and exposure has taken a toll on our whole self. Not to mention, all the “hats” a nurse wears outside of work lead to work-life unbalance.

High stress is the never-ending threat to nursing and is the cause of many long-term affects like the one most associated with nurses…. burn-out. Here is an eye-opening list of potential long-term effects of ongoing high stress to reflect on.

  • Decreased immunity
  • Insomnia
  • Gut issues
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Obesity
  • Reduction in sex hormones and low libido
  • Memory and concentration impairment
  • Addiction
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

There are many more potential effects of stress on the body, but this list shows you the negative outcomes we can and do experience from long term stress.

Practicing Yoga as a Holistic Approach to Restoring Balance and Whole Health Wellness in Nurses

Many nurses already practice yoga and if you do, then perhaps you can involve some of your colleagues who seem to be struggling with stress, anxiety, and/or unbalance.

On the other hand, many nurses do not feel they have time for self-care and are on a downward spiral to unhealthy living. Trust that I know how that feels, but understand you are not being selfish or self-indulgent when you invest time to care for yourself so you may better care for others. Yoga is a very good option for self-care.

Knowing that too much stress can have a negative impact on a nurse’s health and well-being, there are many ways to reduce stress and restore balance. Let’s look at the benefits of yoga as a holistic approach to restoring balance and whole health wellness…. and please know these are just a few benefits you can receive when you connect with the practice of yoga.

  • Improve resilience
  • Relieve anxiety
  • Help manage depression
  • Elevate spirituality
  • Improve flexibility, strength, and balance
  • Improve brain function
  • Improve sleep
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Decrease chronic illness risk factors
  • Improve overall quality of life

Yoga for Nurses can not only help you reap the benefits and restore balance, it can also help your patients, other nurses and colleagues, family members, and any other connections you have. So, are you ready to hear about the program I learned about?

Yoga for Nurses: A Holistic Approach to Wellness 

Yoga For Nurses

Here it is! Yoga for Nurses, A Holistic Approach to Wellness is a brand-new course offered by the Integrative Nurse Coach® Academy. It was created by Lisa Ostler, BSN, RN, NC-BC, RYT, an INCA alum, and current faculty member. You can learn more about Lisa and her journey here.

This program teaches you the theory and practice of yoga, and how to bring these teachings into your personal and professional life.

Imagine how well you can incorporate this into a holistic nursing practice model…. and remember to always learn with the intention of teaching others.

Lisa Landis
+ posts

Lisa is an adult wellness nurse in a family practice by day and a freelance health content writer by night….and Saturday morning. She is passionate about her career because she gets to do what makes her happy, help others and write.
Lisa is still actively involved with her INCA alumni and meets monthly with her cohorts and pursuing her board certification in Nurse Coaching.

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