Black Lives Matter – Don’t Be Silent

black lives matter say their names

The International Nurse Coach Association | Integrative Nurse Coach® Academy (collectively,  INCA) stand in solidarity with individuals and communities of color, Black Americans in particular, who for generations have had to endure a social and economic environment poisoned by systemic racism.

“No invention of humankind has proven
more insidiously toxic.”
Environmental Working Group

We mourn the senseless and hateful murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers and stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and protesters around the nation.

Black Lives White Coats
White Coats 4 Black Lives

INCA shares the American Nurses’ Association (ANA) position in that “discrimination has no place in nursing practice, education, or research. It has no place in health care.”

As nurses, we must work to eliminate systemic and institutional racism, personal racism, and unconscious bias. We must also work to increase the diversity within our own profession.Until this scourge is eliminated from our society, we cannot hope to fully empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment.

Systemic racism & individual discrimination have a direct impact on determinants of health, exacerbate health inequities, and lead to lifelong trauma. INCA supports the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) —

  • #3 Ensure the good health and well-being of all individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and socio-economic status
  • #10 Reduce the inequalities that are affecting communities and people of color
  • #16 Promote peace, justice and formation of strong institutions that treat all humans equally and are not biased based on the color of ones’ skin, race, or ethnicity

Today, INCA renews our commitment to support and join leaders in the fight against racial injustice
– local to global.

Black Lives Matter - Don'T Be Silent
Nurses Supporting BLM

Victims’ names obtained from NPR.

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Ronald D. Kanka is the Director of Business Operations for the International Nurse Coach Association | Integrative Nurse Coach® Academy.

He previously served as the Program Coordinator of the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Integrative Medicine Division, where he coordinated large conferences (and cruises) on topics such as Clinical Nutrition, Acupuncture, and other complementary therapies.

In 2012, Ron met INCA Co-Founder, Susan Luck, at a Clinical Nutrition conference.  Soon after, he began consulting for INCA as a Program Manager, and was essential in the growth of INCA’s global presence and helped to propel INCA to the forefront of the Nurse Coach movement.  When Susan Luck and Barbara Dossey decided to convert the onsite Integrative Nurse Coach® Certificate Program to an online format, they asked Ron and Karen Avino to join them as partners to assist in this large undertaking.

Ronald D. Kanka is the Director of Business Operations for the International Nurse Coach Association | Integrative Nurse Coach® Academy.

He previously served as the Program Coordinator of the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Integrative Medicine Division, where he coordinated large conferences (and cruises) on topics such as Clinical Nutrition, Acupuncture, and other complementary therapies.

In 2012, Ron met INCA Co-Founder, Susan Luck, at a Clinical Nutrition conference.  Soon after, he began consulting for INCA as a Program Manager, and was essential in the growth of INCA’s global presence and helped to propel INCA to the forefront of the Nurse Coach movement.  When Susan Luck and Barbara Dossey decided to convert the onsite Integrative Nurse Coach® Certificate Program to an online format, they asked Ron and Karen Avino to join them as partners to assist in this large undertaking.

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