I’ve been a board-certified Integrative Nurse Coach® for over 10 years, and I’ve witnessed so much over the years. I want to take a few moments to share some of the top lessons I’ve learned with you through my experiences. I hope something resonates for you. If so, please leave a comment, or reach out to me directly. I’d LOVE to connect and support you on your journey.
Here are Five Lessons I’ve Learned over the Years…
- Don’t say no too quickly
- It takes time and people really do need and want you
- Diversify your sources of revenue
- You’ve got to have a plan
- Celebrate your wins
Read on to learn more about these lessons.
Don’t Say No Too Quickly
It’s soooo easy to say no when an opportunity presents itself. Maybe it’s out of concern for time and/or resources. Maybe it’s because you don’t want to try something because you think you’ll disappoint someone, or even yourself. Or maybe you think your might fail, and that can feel scary. Maybe you don’t feel ready or like you know enough, or you can do that thing.
I am here to tell you… don’t say no too quickly anyway! Instead say something like, “thank you for this opportunity. Before I say yes, I’d like to think it over. I’ll get back with you in 2 days. Will that be ok?”
The reason I say wait, is that sometimes those (real) reasons above can hold you back from saying yes to something that will shift your career path (and your bottom line). So, if you pause, contemplate, understand what the opportunity really means to you and how you WILL be able to do that thing, event, speaking engagement, partnership, you will grow exponentially. You WILL figure it out…you’ve made it this far, right?
Now, there are times to say no. But what could happen for you if you pause before the ‘no’ instinct gets you, and you kick yourself later because you really did want to do that thing?
It Takes Time and People Really Do Need and Want YOU!
It takes time to develop a new business, workshop, event, group, contract etc. For the most part, things don’t just fall from the sky (now, on rare occasions they do, that’s why you don’t want to say no too quickly), you must work for and be open to all the opportunities that really do exist all around you!
You must have courage (and get out of your own way) and ask people to think of you for xyz opportunity. I’ve had the most success when I ask people directly to work with me. Now, this doesn’t mean the first time I meet someone I’m all over them asking them to take me up on my awesome offer. Instead, I leverage my high equity relationships to help me seek out prospects and breaks because those people already know who I am, they trust me and can vouch for the products and services I provide.
You have those people in your life too! They know, like and trust you. So why not tap into those people who will enjoy the chance to support you and help you be successful? You can read more about these important people in my blog titled, ‘Getting Nurse Coaching Clients from High Equity Relationships’.
Diversify Your Sources of Revenue
You’ve likely heard the saying, don’t put all your eggs in one basket, right?
What I’ve discovered through trial and error is, I prefer to diversify my revenue and set limits for 1:1 coaching. I learned early on that I find it difficult to focus and give my 100% best to clients for 30+ hours of 1:1 coaching/week. PLUS- do all the other tasks of running a successful business.
Once I realized this, I began to explore different ways to positively impact my bottom line. For example, this year, I gained two hospital contracts, where I’m partnering with Nurses doing wellness programming, 1:1 coaching and group coaching. I write blogs and have a podcast (click here to go to the Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! podcast). I teach yoga (have you seen our Yoga for Nurses program?) and facilitate one ongoing (8-week cycles) group coaching and movement-based program called the Menopause Movement Mission. In 2024, I opened an in-person wellness space that offers holistic modalities for women in mid-life and healthcare providers in our community.
Expanding my time and expertise energizes me, and sharing my many gifts in varied ways makes me money in diverse ways. This style is not for everyone, as one must be completely organized, and not mind having a very busy schedule and have multiple ‘bosses’ you must commit to. In the end, it’s working for me, so that brings me to my next learning… you’ve got to have a plan.
You’ve Got to Have a Plan
You’ve got to have a plan and put it into action. You know from coaching clients that those who develop a plan of action are more successful than those that don’t. In fact, you are the hinge pin that helps them create a personalized plan and then stick with it.
Do you have someone you can count on to co-create a plan to help you move closer to where you want to be with your Nurse Coaching business? You might consider investing in yourself to get action steps going, so you direct your energy in the right places and don’t waste time, money, or energy on things that are not necessary for the stage of business you’re in.
If you don’t want a coach, or feel like you can’t afford one, then take a portion of your day to organize yourself. Understand what you really want to do. How will you make it happen? What baby steps can you take right now, to move yourself closer to your goal today… next week… next month… How will you hold yourself accountable, since no one is watching you, and you don’t punch in and out each day?
Celebrate Your Wins
It’s time to celebrate! Too often you stifle or contain your wins and don’t take time to really see and acknowledge all the steps you’ve taken, all the things you’ve completed and all the victories big and small you’ve achieved!
It’s time to step up and own it. YOU are the one who made it happen. Tell someone around you what you’re excited about, or happy about, or just looking forward to, so they can be part of your success-celebration too! This can be one of the most difficult steps, because it feels awkward at first celebrating when you feel nothing much has happened.
The truth? You are making it happen. No one else can, or will do it for you. So, yes! Let’s celebrate!
And if you’re having trouble with celebrating, I think you should join our monthly Integrative Nurse Coach® Alumni Happy Hour and share your wins with Nurse who ‘get you’.
So, there you have it, 5 things I’ve learned over the past twelve or so years as a board-certified Integrative Nurse Coach®. What have you learned since starting your practice as a Nurse Coach?
Do share in a comment below.
Till next time, Nurse Coach Nicole xo

Nicole Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BC is a recovering burned-out ICU Nurse. Through Integrative Nurse Coaching and holistic modalities, she’s on the daily voyage to well-becoming.
Nicole is founder Restoration Room and Blue Monarch Health, an author, podcast host of the Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION!, holds a board certification in Integrative Nurse Coaching and combines 20+ years of Nursing with 30+ years of fitness, health coaching and energy work to partner with mid-life women and healthcare workers who want to THRIVE!
She loves her husband, her two crazy cats and enjoys being in nature and having fun.
- Nicole Vienneauhttps://inursecoach.com/author/nicole-vienneau/
- Nicole Vienneauhttps://inursecoach.com/author/nicole-vienneau/
- Nicole Vienneauhttps://inursecoach.com/author/nicole-vienneau/
- Nicole Vienneauhttps://inursecoach.com/author/nicole-vienneau/