EEEEEEE! I am so excited to share this episode with you, because it includes the voices of many inspiring, wise and wonderful Nurses and Nurse Coaches from all over the country.
From Alaska to Florida, to Massachusetts to California… Nurses were represented from all over the country and the vibes were high!
There was SO much positive energy throughout every second and we were treated like the queens and kings we are with nutritious, scrumptious healing meals, energetic and knowledgeable speakers and were privy to so many heart opening experiences throughout each day!
It was an experience that is still humming in my heart and soul.
Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay Hotel
Nicole Vienneau 0:01
What an honor it was to share time, energy and space with Nurses from all over the country at the first ever Integrative Nurse Coach Symposium in Miami, Florida.
From Alaska to Florida to Massachusetts to California, Nurses were represented from all over the country and the vibes were high. There was so much positive energy throughout every second and we were treated like the queens and kings we are with nutritious scrumptious healing meals, energetic and knowledgeable speakers. And we were privy to so many heart opening experience throughout each day. It was an experience that is still humming in my heart and my soul.
I’m hopeful that the Nurses you’ll hear over the next few integrative Nurse Coaches and action podcast episodes will inspire you as much as they did me. We certainly increase the universal vibrations just by being together in this unique and healing environment.
And thank you for being here with me right now. And for listening to and supporting all of the incredible Nurses we’ve interviewed over the past few years on Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! podcast. You are who I lovingly think about as I prepare each episode, and I extend you so much love and gratitude. Now, before we get to today’s podcast, let’s take three deep breaths in and out together.
Now, we’re ready!
I cannot tell you how excited I am. Today is the first day of the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy’s Integrative Nurse Coach Symposium. And we’re all here in Miami, Florida, getting ready to go and meet each other some of us for the first time ever. We may have seen each other on social media or maybe we’re in we were in a module together.
My heart is beating fast. And I’m excited. And I also just feel a sense of peace because I know I’m going to be immersed with fellow Nurses who understand the value of connection and coming together and learning and witnessing and sharing wisdom and just being together sharing meals and time and thoughts and just support for Nurses in general and the lives in which we touch. So I’m just feeling excited.
And looking forward to spending the days ahead with my fellow Nurses and Nurse Coaches from all over the country. And I’m feeling also a little vulnerable, because I have to go around and interview many people I’ve never met before and just I’m using this new device I’ve never used before I’m talking to you on it right now. It’s a little microphone and I feel like I’m Nurse Coach reporter Nicole Vienneau Coming at you!
So, I’m gonna let some of that vulnerability go and just simply enjoy spending time with the people that I’m going to get to connect with. So I look forward to sharing with you some of the insights from the Nurses attending this incredible Nurse Coach symposium, and I will see you soon.
I have with me today. Donna Leno Gordon. And we’re here sitting having a lovely breakfast together. And I’m so curious what Donna is looking forward to the most today.
Donna Leno Gordon 4:27
Oh my god I’m so looking forward to connecting and networking with all of the other Nurse Coaches and hearing about what they’re doing and learning about their experiences and how they are moving this whole Nurse Coach program forward.
Nicole Vienneau 4:48
I love this so much . I’m looking forward to hearing all the stories and connecting with people I’ve never seen in real life and here we are all together. Excited. You can hear the sounds in the background.
Speaker 1 5:00
one of the funnest things is just meeting amazing Nurses and amazing Nurse Coaches from all over the world here at the conference. And so I just met amazing Nurse, and so I’m going to let her introduce herself.
Jackie Hernandez 5:14
Yes. Hi, my name is Jackie Hernandez. So Jackie, I’m curious to know what you’re most looking forward to for today. What am I most looking forward to,
I guess, integrating with all these beautiful Nurses and getting to know their story, a little bit more about them, and also learning more about healing and how to help others as well. All the things I’m looking forward to.
Nicole Vienneau 5:42
Thank you so much for answering my question. So here I am walking around and all of a sudden I’m being led to talk to this amazing Nurse.
Christy Cook 5:52
Hi, I’m Christy Cook, Christy cook.
Nicole Vienneau 5:55
So Christy Cook, what brings you here to this Integrative Nurse Coach Symposium.
Christy Cook 6:00
I’m exploring what I can do as a Nurse Coach. I’ve always been interested in holistic nursing, and this is an avenue I’d love to pursue and just gonna learn more about it.
Nicole Vienneau 6:11
Awesome. So what are you most looking forward to today?
Christy Cook 6:14
Oh, gosh, one of the very first sessions I guess I’m just excited to join and learn and take it all in.
Nicole Vienneau 6:22
So let’s be clear. You’re not yet a Nurse Coach. You’re a Nurse who’s exploring Nurse Coaching. How exciting is that?
Christy Cook 6:29
Yeah, right. I, I teach nursing and I’ve taught nursing for over 20 years, and I get to be on sabbatical next year. So I’m exploring ideas of what I’m going to do with my sabbatical time and being a Nurse Coach is one of those top contenders for me.
Nicole Vienneau 6:45
Amazing. We’re so glad you’re here. Thank you for spending your time with us. And we I look forward to talking to you later to see what do you think? Perfect, thank you.
It’s so fun for me to reconnect and connect with people I have seen over a computer screen and a little square and spent amazing time with and learn about. And so right now I am with Kristy Meyer.
I’m with Kristy Meyer. Kristy Meyer traveled all the way from Eugene, Oregon.
Kristy Meyer 7:16
I sure did!
Nicole Vienneau 7:18
And so I am curious, what you’re looking forward to the most into in this whole conference.
Kristy Meyer 7:25
Oh, boy, picking one things hard inspiration, learning something new and just meeting people that are like minded.
Nicole Vienneau 7:34
So awesome. That’s what I’m looking forward to do. All right. We’ll look forward to all those together.
So we just had the pleasure of experiencing the power of Nurse Coaching, transforming the system from illness cure to healing care. And it was with Shirley Gordon, and Nancy France. And there was a lot of interesting content in that presentation, and a shifting model of the way we think about nursing of the way we think about healthcare and nursing together the way we think about Nurse Coaches and practicing and showing up and so many interesting tidbits. And so here I am with
Angie Maguire 8:16
Angie McGuire, I am from Oak Park, Illinois, just west of Chicago.
Nicole Vienneau 8:21
Okay, so you’ve traveled all the way here to Miami, tell us what Nurse Coaching program you took.
Angie Maguire 8:27
I took the Nurse Coach collective.
Nicole Vienneau 8:29
Yay, we’re so glad you’re here at this at our conference do I mean we’re all collectively shifting the way Nurse Coaching is showing up in the world and all of us have done different educations. And here we are collaborating together. So after listening to the power of Nurse Coaching presentation, what are some key points that really stuck out for you?
Angie Maguire 8:53
Well, I think the presenters are both highly qualified, lots of information, they’re dreaming, they’re dreaming about Nurse Coaching, I think presenting the new model that you already introduced and sort of thinking about that and where Nurse Coaching fits in within this dream model of health care, in visualizing who you know where we can work what we should do, and one of the things they talked about and I think they both coach around is this Nurse to Nurse caring.
And they do a lot they do one to one coaching but this really caring for each other I know that’s not part of the model they talked about but that’s that’s stuck struck me and stuck will stick with me is just that Nurses need to care for one another.
People have said Nurse the throne young and I just I hope we can grow away from that. I feel like Nurse Coaches can bring that to their their daily work, sort of lead the way in that and caring for one another.
Nicole Vienneau 9:52
Love this. Yes Nurses caring for each other and connecting and collaborating on the human level. to support each other. Yes, yes.
So we just finished the power of Nurse Coaching, transforming the system from illness cure to healing care. And I am here with Annie Jones. And Annie Jones and I were just conversing a little bit about some of the top things that stood out in our mind after listening to this amazing presentation. So I’ll turn it over to Annie, she can share a little bit about what she’s thinking.
Annie Jones 10:28
What really stuck out for me was the concept of well becoming, replacing the concepts of health and well being. And that really kind of adjusted my head and got me thinking from a perspective of how true that is, because it really is about continuing, well being and becoming and working our way into wellness.
And even though we live in a dynamic, hopefully, continuum of health and well being, it’s all about the becoming because it’s never the destination, right? It’s all about the voyage, which I also loved and stood out for me as opposed to, you know, the journaling.
I think about journaling and journey and what have you. But I’m now dating my travel log and keeping my notes about my becoming in wellness.
Nicole Vienneau 11:30
I love this so much. Because it’s true. We are becoming there’s never an end destination. We’re always shifting and morphing in journeying and uncovering that there is no destination.
Annie Jones 11:46
I would like totally agree. Because even when we leave this life and move into the next life, we’re still going to be becoming or at least that’s my opinion.
Nicole Vienneau 11:57
I love the thought of that, that we’re still going to become no matter where we end up. That’s right.
Thanks, Annie.
Annie Jones 12:04
Thank you, Nicole.
Nicole Vienneau 12:07
So we just listened to Holly Carpenter. And she was talking about the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation initiative. And we learned so much about the state of nursing and our health and well being. And so right now I have Rachel Horne from the Nurse Coach Collective. And she is here at the Integrative Nurse Coach Symposium, which is really exciting. We’re having all Nurses from all over the country collaborating and connecting. And I would just love to know a little bit about what you are taking away from the healthy Nurse healthy nation presentation.
Rachel Horne 12:42
Well, I’ve really enjoyed it, I’m taking away just about the well being that we should have and really sense for ourselves, as well as the clients that we take care of. And just being fit mentally, physically, socially, environmentally, financially, as our occupation, the fifth in all those wellbeing aspects.
And so we can help ourselves, we can also then help our clients.
Nicole Vienneau 13:11
I love that, yes, let’s take care of ourselves. Really, our capacity for caring for others depends upon our capacity for caring for ourselves.
Rachel Horne 13:20
Right, right. And it’s so important just to sort of slow down I think many Nurses work ICU or hospital nursing, we’re gonna see a really fast pace, we’re just slowing down and remembering those aspects. Kinda gives us that perspective, to be able to take care of others as well as ourselves.
Nicole Vienneau 13:46
So right now I am with Mandy, an amazing Nurse Coach, we were just talking about nails. I know we’re supposed to be focusing on content at this Integrative Nurse Coach Symposium, but she just showed me her nails and they are the most amazing things. She’s an ED Nurse. But these nails you can take on and off. And you don’t even have to throw them out and it sounds like they’re even environmentally friendly. So I’m all about the nails, and Anyways, now back to the show.
Mandy and I are talking about the Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation presentation we just heard from Holly Carpenter. And so please introduce yourself with your full name.
Mandy Feliciano 14:27
My name is Mandy Feliciano and I have been a Nurse for now over 22 years, mostly in the ER trauma area. I love nursing. Nursing is a calling for me. It is not just like career. I mean it’s a career obviously. But this is a calling. I say it’s like no amount of money is equivalent to the authentic nursing care you give. No amount.
So this is a calling. So it’s not money for me. And even for an example of that is I did a few travel assignments and travel Nurses make immense money. And it wasn’t my thing, and I came home. But I love nursing, because I love caring for people.
Now I’m learning that is also very important to care for myself.
Nicole Vienneau 15:26
Oh, yeah. So yes. Are we listening? Are we listening?
Mandy Feliciano 15:28
Yes, it’s very, very important. And part of that is the Healthy Nurse movement coming into Cohort 46 With INCA. INCA has really given me the opportunity to learn way more about myself. And that I actually do fit.
Because that was another thing that I struggled as, as a Nurse, I feel like I’m not your typical Nurse, you know, but INCA. And I know we’re supposed to be talking about this, but I just needed to let you know, you guys know that. That you make me fit.
There’s something sometimes you do feel lonely, in in the way that you think, and how you view your patient. Because they’re not. It’s not a conveyor belt, sort of factory. These are human beings, these are fellow brothers and sisters.
We we want to be taken care of, and we know how we want to be taken care of. And I believe that we should also learn how these individuals want to be taken care of, and really respect their needs. And because I have a certain way of thinking like that, it can become difficult because I don’t fall into your standard I whatever standard that is.
But INCA, like I said, lets me know I do fit. In my way.
I’ve come here and I’ve met so many individuals, and I’m so blown by the same mind frame and acceptance of who I am.
I’ve been holding these emotions for weeks, ever since I knew I was going to come to this symposium, I knew it was going to be mind blowing, life changing, spiritually uplifting.
And actually, that does help you to become a healthy Nurse. It does when you really find your niche and where you fit. You. It does, it does help you feel healthy, because you feel good. You’re you’re like, you’re just in such a beautiful place.
And that helps you be healthy. The system today, in general healthcare, in general, from all angles, sometimes doesn’t make it easy. It doesn’t. And it’s so true, that we don’t take our breaks, we don’t do these certain things that that we should.
And I really do hope this really pushes hard for us, so that we can go back to our center. I am such a true Florence Nightingale believer, like I like I truly believe some of the stuff that happens isn’t what she wanted. I call her my pioneer mama. I do because like I even bought one of the books that I saw.
Because a lot of the the lectures, start with her quotes. And I believe in our commitment, you know, and that’s where we need to be. And this is what it is like these women and men because there are a few men out there are doing it. And I am blessed to join this team.
Nicole Vienneau 19:11
Oh my gosh, I’m just blown away by the heartfelt wisdom of Mandy and I know you are too. Thank you so much, Mandy.
Mandy Feliciano 19:21
Thank you so much.
Nicole Vienneau 19:28
So we just completed some healing circles where we all separated and we got into groups of maybe eight to 10 and we shared special time together. So here I am with,
Lana Mikhaylova 19:44
Svetlana or Lana Mikhailova I’m a Nurse Coach from Fort Lauderdale.
Nicole Vienneau 19:52
And Svetlana, what was your experience in the healing circle?
Lana Mikhaylova 19:57
Actually, it was amazing. I’m very happy to be here. And actually, it was my intention to get here to get this experience what we have a few minutes ago, we just finished and still talking. And I would say the one word, if I can explain my experience is share, to share everything, what is your heart, in your mind. And it was sharing experience where the good things or bad things, very pleasant or suffering, but we share and we happy that we had this experience, I can say, from all our group.
Alexandra Morales 20:46
The healing circle experience for me, has just elevated my being my spirit and my mind and made me aware of that. As human beings, we are all interconnected, no matter where we come from, what our story is, when we embrace love, and vulnerability, we elevate our consciousness, and our ability to see each other through the lens of love.
And for me, that’s where true transformation starts to grow and starts to begin when we step into a place of boldness, and surrendering to our story and our experiences. And just being able to share with strangers, and you know, our stories heal one another. And when we’re able to love Humans, through their experiences, through their pain, and through their fears.
We show up so powerfully. The healing circle for me was was a beautiful experience. And I feel so blessed to have experienced it and to be here.
Nicole Vienneau 21:54
Here I am with
Christine Ross 21:59
Christine Ross from Eagle River, Alaska.
Nicole Vienneau 22:02
And she was just in the healing circles too. So what was your experience like with the healing circle?
Christine Ross 22:11
I really enjoyed just the time and space that we had together. And just how we were so connected, we had a lot of similarities. And we just were able to speak from what was on our hearts. And I enjoyed that.
Nicole Vienneau 22:30
I enjoyed that too. And there was something special that happened for you in the healing circle.
Christine Ross 22:37
Yeah, so I looked over to my right. And I noticed this this woman had on these earrings, and it looked like they had fireweed on them. And I recognize fireweed from Alaska. So I looked down at her badge. And I saw that she was from Eagle River, Alaska, which is also where I’m from. So small world.
Nicole Vienneau 22:56
And how exciting. Now you have a fellow Nurse Coach in the same city?
Christine Ross 23:00
I do. Yes. And we were chatting and we have a lot of other similarities as well. So it was fun to make that connection.
Nicole Vienneau 23:08
I love this so much for you.
So continuing on with Christine Ross, as we were chit chatting, I just asked the question like, yeah, what are you having graduated from Integrative Nurse Coach Academy, what’s going on? And what does she say?
Christine Ross 23:24
So, I just became aware of Nurse Coaching. About a month and a half ago, I was taking a faith community Nurse course, which Miss Sheila also has taken. So we have that connection as well.
But that’s where I found out about this umbrella of holistic nursing. And as I was researching that, I came across the I Nurse Coaching and found out about this symposium and I said I have to go and find out more. So here I am.
Nicole Vienneau 23:55
I just love that for you. Especially because it was only a month ago and you’re like I am going
Christine Ross 24:00
Yes, absolutely. I mean who doesn’t want to come down to lovely Miami and I already had a trip plan to South Carolina around the same time. So it’s just a hop skip and a jump away and so yeah, I took the opportunity to be here.
Nicole Vienneau 24:14
Yay. We’re so glad you’re here.
Christine Ross 24:16
Yes, me too.
Nicole Vienneau 24:18
So here we are, out on the patio. Looking at massive boats. At this beautiful Marina. The sun is setting. We’ve just completed our very first day at the Integrative Nurse Coach Symposium, met amazing people experienced and learned so much. And here I am sitting not only by myself, but I’m with Lisa and Chelsea.
And we all just had a drink together and we’re enjoying this beautiful, quiet time before we’re on our way to go and be at the happy hour.
And so I’m curious to know, from these wise women, what is one of your biggest key takeaways from day one? And Lisa, I’ll let you breathe a minute because I’m going to start with Chelsey.
Chelsea McGee 25:21
Vulnerability is a superpower.
Nicole Vienneau 25:24
Oh, tell us more about that vulnerability is a superpower.
Chelsea McGee 25:28
Yes, I think I think we can, over time become very resistant to change and feeling into our emotions and the things that we go through in life and to open our hearts and be vulnerable and sharing our deepest darkest secrets and fears about life. There can be so much healing and growth that happens when Nurses come together, when women come together. And again, just opening ourselves to there’s a plane overhead. It’s really loud.
Nicole Vienneau 26:02
I love it. When that happens. It was like pay attention to me. No, pay attention to Chelsea she has such so much wisdom that she’s sharing.
Chelsea McGee 26:10
I don’t even know where I was at. But I’m gonna get back to just sharing sharing our fears and coming together and acknowledging that we all have similar fears. We have similar traumas, we have similar pain, and to come together and transmute that into higher vibrational emotions and turn it into magic and more and more light that we can embody and spread the light and spread the wisdom with other people throughout the world and come together and heal.
Nicole Vienneau 26:42
I would love all our listeners to take a deep breath into those words of wisdom from Chelsea McGee.
And now we get to hear from Lisa Ostler.
Lisa Ostler 26:56
I think my biggest takeaway from day one is just reminding me of the importance of sharing our stories.
Healing circles, and coming back to them. It’s something that for many of us is new, but giving people the space to share, giving them the opportunity to pass.
But having that time, the silence the support. And like Chelsea was saying, we all learn that we’re not alone.
A lot of the stuff that we’re feeling the thoughts that are coming up, there is someone else, probably more than just one, for sure. That’s feeling and thinking the same. And so being able to share those feelings in a comfortable, safe space just helps us move through them and move that energy that gets stuck through sharing stories and movement and sound and mindfulness.
And so that was my biggest takeaway as a reminder is just to give people more space to share their story. I think it’s more healing than anything.
Nicole Vienneau 28:11
Thank you ladies. I love you.
Chelsea McGee 28:14
I love you.
Nicole Vienneau 28:17
So here we are at the happy hour at the Integrative Nurse Coach Symposium. Oh my gosh, the food has been amazing. We had free beverages and we are in this beautiful wind swept area at the hotel, and we’re just enjoying conversation and connection with our fellow colleagues and has been such an amazing, amazing evening just getting to know people better. In fact, I am here with,
Aimee Taylor 28:45
Hi, this is Aimee Taylor. I am from Mickelson, New Jersey. I am from cohort 41. So, a fairly new Nurse Coach here. My biggest takeaway from day one couple of things. I think just being in the room with all the like-minded Nurses has been absolutely empowering. And the energy has been phenomenal.
You know, we all come from different backgrounds, we’re all doing different things that are Nurse Coaching. And I think it’s so amazing to hear everybody’s story and what they’re doing with it and just the energy that we all feel a couple of things we’ve kind of talked about, it’s just bringing it back to the simplicity of nursing, and just being a Nurse and nursing.
And you can do so many things with Nurse Coaching in nursing in general, that I think it’s so amazing that whether you’re a pediatric Nurse and ICU, Nurse outpatient, inpatient, how much amazing things we can do and how empowering is to see it and to feel it and to be together.
So, it’s been a great experience so far, and I can’t wait for the rest of the weekend. Yeah, it’s been so fun. And so, like even from the things that you’ve learned today, and all of the amazing speakers we’ve listened to, too and the connections that we’ve made.
Nicole Vienneau
What do you see in your practice that you would take away with you from day one?
Aimee Taylor
I think what I’d see in my own practice. So right now, I’m trying to integrate a little bit more of holistic nursing and nursing. Well, being at the hospital that I work at right now, we don’t really have any Nurses on our wellbeing team.
So, I’m trying to slowly bring myself into the wellbeing team and really represent the nursing staff. And I think just again, the simplicity of just breathing exercises and things you can do before you walk into a patient’s room of taking a deep breath before you walk into a patient’s room. I use textured stickers and things like that.
Just something simple, to really that day to day, you know, to really help the Nurses, the bedside Nurses especially, but to hear everybody’s stories of what they’re doing in their own practice, and kind of just putting it in my back pocket to use later on in our own hospital.
Nicole Vienneau
Exciting things are coming in your journey. So, thanks for sharing those with us.
Aimee Taylor
Thank you so much, Nicole. So nice meeting you.
Nicole Vienneau
Nice to meet you too.
So here we are, at happy hour. And we are in a very windswept area. Everyone’s hair is just flowing. We just completed a few beverages, and we had an amazing Paella, and stir fry. And it was awesome. And we’ve all been connecting, and I’ve been going around meeting some amazing people. So, I have the pleasure of meeting. Hello,
Marilyn Torres-Sierra
Marilyn Torres-Sierra. I currently live in Phoenix originally from New York City. And you came here because I was investigating and checking out in go considering the cannabis Nurse because my daughter has epilepsy. So I figured I should become an expert in cannabis nursing.
Nicole Vienneau
All right. And then I also met.
Constance Powers
I’m Constance Powers, and I am from Phoenix, Arizona as well.
Nicole Vienneau
And what brought you to the conference?
Constance Powers
Also exploring. I was looking at the Cannabis certification. And when we found this, I thought it would be interesting to check it out.
Nicole Vienneau
So you both came because you’re really good friends or what? Tell us a little bit more about your story.
Marilyn Torres-Sierra
Oh, super fun. So, she’s an ICU Nurse, and I’m a labor and delivery Nurse. And we met at a level three in Phoenix. And we’re very famously called the vagina Nurses. Anytime we show up in the ICU when things don’t go well for pregnant women. And we take care of them from the waist down and our fabulous ICU Nurses take care of them from the waist up. And so we just bonded off of twisted, traumatized humor.
Constance Powers
There is no place on my report sheet for a fundal check. No place.
Nicole Vienneau 2:43
Yeah, what’s a fundal check?
Constance Powers
Two fingers below the umbilicus is where it should be after they give birth. That’s all I know about it.
Nicole Vienneau
Awesome. So we just completed day one. So I’m curious. And our listeners are so curious, what was your biggest takeaway from today?
Marilyn Torres-Sierra
That’s a great question. I’m one I want to say we found our tribe, just based on the nature of the safe, brave space that people occupy in this area, versus, you know, the lack of willingness to get to certain depths of conversation and nursing, academia and general nursing conferences.
So I think the biggest takeaway has been, for me the mindfulness and reflectiveness of everyone, especially relative to cultural humility, as a Nurse of color. So I really appreciate, you know, the vulnerability, the humility that everyone is approaching us with. It means a lot.
Nicole Vienneau
Thank you for sharing that. And what was your biggest takeaway?
Constance Powers
Oh, my gosh, my biggest takeaway was that I can go to a nursing conference without wanting to go and explore the city after the first session. It truly was I was at a spot where I’m making decisions, whether I was going to stay in this profession or not.
And going to conferences was not something that I was interested in doing any longer. Because I could have either taught it better, presented it better, or I’ve heard the same information for the same 10 years and nothing changed. This is the first time I’ve wanted to be present for every session. It’s the first time that I’ve stayed an entire day at a conference in probably the last 10 years.
And so recognizing that there were others who had the same trajectory as me, we may have different ways of getting there. But that ultimate goal was the same. That was really a powerful thing for me. So my biggest one was I wasn’t alone. There are other individuals and there’s more for me to still explore.
Nicole Vienneau
Oh my gosh, my heart is so full right now. Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts and from your heart and so appreciated, and we look forward to more. We look forward to learning about you more and sharing the rest of the few days together, cheers!
What a spectacular day today has been. I am winding down, just getting ready to rest in my hotel room. And I have had the most incredible first day at the Integrative Nurse Coach Symposium. And I’ve met some incredible people. I’ve reconnected with people that I’ve met before. I’ve gotten to hug people that I’ve only seen online and virtually.
I just feel like my heart is full. And I guess I’m just feeling gratitude. And we get to do this all again tomorrow. So, I’ll see you tomorrow morning.
And now, a word from our sponsor. The integrative Nurse Coach Academy offers Nurses innovative approaches to re- energize and expand your nursing practice with new skills and tools that focus on lifestyle, health and well being.
As an integrative Nurse Coach, you will confidently promote wellness and resiliency by guiding your clients, patients and communities to deepen their connections to enter healing resources and expand their capacities to make meaningful choices for healthy lifestyle change. Plus, you’ll learn critical self care tools to actively take care of your own health and well being on the journey.
Join the global integrative Nurse Coach Academy community and rediscover your passion for nursing in the online integrative Nurse Coach certificate program. Learn more about our programs at eye Nurse
And when you register for the integrative Nurse Coach certificate program, be sure to use the code ACTION to get $100 off the part one and two bundle. Now back to the podcast.
So I’m getting ready to go downstairs for day two. I had the most amazing sleep last night comfortable bed quiet hotel room and just felt so much gratitude going to rest and woke up this morning feeling just alive and alert and ready to roll I was able to go down on to this beautiful Marina area and just walk by the water and spend some time by myself for a few moments just to you know reconnect to me and all of the memories from yesterday.
And then looking forward to whatever’s going to happen for today. And I look forward to sharing with you more connections with Nurses that I meet throughout the day. So I’ll talk to you soon.
So here we are on day two. And there’s a lot of excitement here at breakfast. You can hear everybody’s voices everywhere. All preparing for the day ahead. And we’re excited. I’m sitting here beside.
Rebecca Meyer
Rebecca Meyer. I’m from New Mexico, Grants area that’s 80 miles west of Albuquerque.
Nicole Vienneau
Awesome. So, I am curious to know what you are most looking forward to today.
Rebecca Meyer
Today, I’m just most looking forward to learning more getting new ideas and meeting more people for networking.
Nicole Vienneau
So, what are your plans? Because you say networking? What do you do with networking?
Rebecca Meyer
What will I do with it? Well, hopefully, we can use it as a brainstorming technique and learn from each other as the courses go on. Once I become a Nurse Coach, it’s nice to have other people that are interested in the same stuff in the same area. And I can get ideas and bounce ideas off them and learn from them.
Nicole Vienneau
Awesome. So, you are just completing the integrative Nurse Coach Academy’s course. Yes,
Rebecca Meyer
Yes, I am. It was very helpful for me and I will be graduating as a Nurse Coach on May 2, and then I’ll be ready to take the boards.
Nicole Vienneau
Rebecca Meyer
Thank you. Thank you.
Nicole Vienneau
So here we are getting ready to have our first presentation of the day. And it’s gonna be a functional nutrition approach to healing and elimination diet. So that sounds fabulous. And I’m sitting here with
Christina Jean-Louise
Christina Jean Louis, from Miami, Florida.
Nicole Vienneau
So Christina, I understand that you are a Nurse. Tell us where you practice.
Christina Jean-Louise
I am local here in Miami and I practice at the Jackson health system.
Nicole Vienneau
And what kind of nursing Do you love? Do I love
Christina Jean-Louise
I love functional nursing. So that’s where I’m trying to go. I currently work in quality, which I have loved for a very long time. But I think I’ve done what I’m supposed to do there and ready to move on and see what’s next.
Nicole Vienneau
A lot of our Nurses are in the same position. And we are looking for things that are really calling to us today. Yeah, so you say you love functional nursing. And here we are, the next topic is about that. So tell me what you’re looking forward to the most.
Christina Jean-Louise
I am looking forward to that lecture, the functional nutrition and also the cannabis in nursing. That one really, really it’s piquing my interest, and I can’t wait to see what comes out of that lecture.
Nicole Vienneau
So, tell me why you are most interested about in cannabis nursing.
Christina Jean-Louise
If I can be personal, I’ve had my own experiences with cannabis. And it’s done so much for me. And I don’t think enough people know about the benefits of it. And I think on a physical like we know glaucoma, and it helps with appetite and such, but the ability to do the inner work, and that shadow work, as people like to call it has been transformational for me. And I wish more people had access to it in that way.
Nicole Vienneau
I love this so much. And so you’ll be able to connect some of the science, of course, love and Judy will be talking about that and bringing that to life for everyone in this room so we can all understand a little bit more about cannabis. And then then also functional nutrition. We are exposed to a lot of exciting topics here.
Christina Jean-Louise
I’m so excited. It’s been the best time here and just being with so many people who have a general interest in the same thing that I’ve been looking for. I’m so excited. I couldn’t be more excited to be here.
Nicole Vienneau
Awesome. I’m so excited you’re here too. Thanks for being here.
So here we are at our amazing coffee break. And we have just listened to Brigitte Sager talk about the elimination food plan, and how we can incorporate that into our very busy lives and support ourselves first. And then of course support our clients and patients and communities. And I am with
Arneka Smith
Arneca Smith from Shreveport, Louisiana. And
Tyrone Smith
Tyrone Smith, also from Shreveport, Louisiana.
Nicole Vienneau
And I am here with them. And I’m just curious, what did you find most intriguing about today’s presentation so far.
Arneka Smith
So far, I found so much intriguing about what she was saying today, as far as how eliminating things can reverse all kinds of conditions, autoimmune conditions, ADHD conditions, etc. And I just feel like that is so important to get to the root cause.
And I’ve, I’ve thought this for a while get to the root cause of what the problem is. And I feel like if we can do that, in so many health conditions, not just mental health, not just asthma, good health, I’m talking about chronic issues like pain, fatigue, so many things that we deal with on a daily basis if we can connect and eliminate that root cause I feel like we’ll be better as a society and whole.
Nicole Vienneau
Thank you. Thank you so much for that wisdom. Yes. And Tyrone, what are your thoughts?
Tyrone Smith
What I really pull from what she was saying today is a lot of other why, you know, even going to gastrointestinal specialists, you know, they deal with, you know, kind of a plan with what’s happening to you, but not a lot. So getting down to the root cause of the why is very important.
And also the balance of what you’re actually eating, you know, a lot of things that we eat, you know, actually contributing to, you know, situations that we have with health, you know, so in the long run, I think you know, what she was talking about doing an elimination plan, you know, it’s very, very important, you know, and with that being said, you know, you can really get down to some root causes.
And you can reverse some things like my wife was previously saying, you can really reverse some health conditions. And she was also amplifying that she had some health conditions. And she was able to get off some medications that a lot of people want to kind of come out of that medicine cabinet and just really grabbed a hill and kind of create their own line. So that’s what I gather.
Nicole Vienneau
I love that. Get out of the medicine cabinet and grab their own health. Yes, yes, sir. So now I also discovered something very intriguing about the two of you is that you are supportive, very supportive of each other. So tell me a little bit about that.
Tyrone Smith
Well, my wife is just really, you know, an outgoing individual. And she came to this conference, you know, to really gather some more information, and I thought it was pivotal for me to be here with her. And I just felt like I wanted to be a part of it.
You know, a lot of strong character women here, including my wife, you know, and just being part of this conference here with her Er, has really enriched me, you know. So with that being said, I’m just really, really happy that I came, you know, we had the group session yesterday, roughly close that with the group session, and our group session was peace.
And that’s what I really found here. You know, it’s just a real sense of peace with the meditation, you know, the talking the, just the camaraderie that’s happening here. It’s really a nice, nice event, and I’m really glad I was able to be a part of it.
Nicole Vienneau
We are so glad you are here too. So how do you feel about your husband being here supporting you?
Arneka Smith
Like the luckiest woman in the world! He’s absolutely amazing. He supports me and everything that I do. I just am blessed. I am.
Nicole Vienneau
Hasn’t this been so inspiring and so fun? I definitely have more Nurses, very inspiring Nurses, that I interviewed on day two, and I’m going to share those. And I’m going to keep them for the next episode of the integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! podcast. So I will see you again.
And I can’t wait to share more of the exciting time that we had at the Integrative Nurse Coach Symposium in Miami, Florida coming at you next episode. Until then, please listen to past episodes of inspiring Nurses. And please invite all of your amazing Nurses to listen to our podcast. Thanks for being here.
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