Every human and Integrative Nurse Coach® understands the importance of self-evaluation when wanting to shift health and wellness behaviors (or any behavior).
It’s a valuable practice to use a validated tool to support your self-awareness and glean more understanding of areas of strength and areas of opportunities.
The Integrative Health and Wellness Assessment (IHWA) is such a tool and I’ll share my thoughts and learnings about one area (Life Balance and Satisfaction) of this important tool and at the end share how you can take the IHWA yourself and get your results right to your email in-box.
The Integrative Health and Wellness Assessment was first developed in 2011 and is “…based on more than 30 years of integrative integral and holistic clinical practice, education, and research to address the dimensions of wellness…” (2020, McElligott, D., & Turnier, J.). It is comprised of a series of questions that allows you (or a client, patient or community) to reflect on your wellness status using eight dimensions or categories of wellness.
The categories are:
(1) Life Balance and Satisfaction, (2) Relationships, (3) Spiritual, (4) Mental, (5) Emotional, (6) Physical (Nutrition, Exercise, Weight Management), and (8) Health Responsibility
I recall taking the IHWA over 10 years ago and being surprised by the width and breadth of coaching questions that had me asking myself very important questions I’d never thought about in my 15+ years of Nursing experience!
I often think the IWHA could also be called the AH-HA assessment, as it creates a perfect, safe space to reflect on the many curiosities and ah-ha moments that arise when one takes the time to ask and then reflect about self.
The very first category of the IHWA is ‘Life Balance and Satisfaction’. The IHWA long version (there is a short version too) is packed with 21 questions that dive into self-reflection deeply and profoundly.
As I re-read the questions today, I realize it is time to pause and reflect again, as some of the questions had me thinking…. time to dive deep Nicole. This just reminds me that I am in a state of flux, and it is always important for my own wellbeing to pause, and go inward, just as I ask my clients, patients and communities to do.
I’ve listed the questions below. As you read them, which question sticks out for you in some way. Maybe it’s… hmmmmm…. Or, “I’m curious about that because.” Or maybe a question caused your stomach or heart to jump. Or maybe, you are excited because that one question allows you to see you are thriving in that area!
Whatever your thoughts, you are well worth the time to not only take the IHWA, but also to reflect on why you chose that question. Maybe you’ll journal, or talk to a trusted friend or family member, or maybe you’ll contemplate that question when you go to yoga next time.
If you’re feeling brave, perhaps you’ll leave a comment about which question is calling to you. I’d love to know, and your comments really help others see more of the possibilities too. I look forward to hearing from you. Xo Nurse Coach Nicole
Life Balance and Satisfaction Questions (long form)
- I have a balance between my work, family, friends and self
- I appreciate who I am
- I am satisfied with work and/or profession
- I feel joy and gratitude
- I am hopeful about the future
- I look forward to going to work each day
- I give time and resources to people and causes I admire
- I am comfortable with my financial situation
- I am coping well with life
- I focus on my strengths
- I get 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night
- I wake up feeling rested and alert
- I use strategies (breathing, stretching, relaxation, imagery, meditation) to manage stress daily
- I use daily positive self-talk and affirmations
- I set realistic goals
- I can release anxiety, worry and fear in a healthy way
- I manage my time to meet my personal goals
- I take time for leisure activities (gardening hobbies, etc.)
- I take short breaks for play, laughter, and humor each day
- I recognize negative thoughts and reframe them
- I take on no more than I can manage
Take the Integrative Health and Wellness Assessment here
Dossey, B., Luck, S., Schaub, B. (2014) Nurse Coaching. Integrative Approaches for Health and Wellbeing https://inursecoach.com/nurse-coaching-textbook/
McElligott, D., & Turnier, J. (2020). Integrative Health and Wellness Assessment Tool. Critical care nursing clinics of North America, 32(3), 439–450. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnc.2020.05.006
McElligott, D., Eckardt, S., Montgomery Dossey, B., Luck, S., & Eckardt, P. (2018). Instrument Development of Integrative Health and Wellness Assessment™. Journal of holistic nursing : official journal of the American Holistic Nurses’ Association, 36(4), 374–384. https://doi.org/10.1177/0898010117747752
Nicole Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BC is a recovering burned-out ICU Nurse. Through Integrative Nurse Coaching and holistic modalities, she’s on the daily voyage to well-becoming.
Nicole is founder Restoration Room and Blue Monarch Health, an author, podcast host of the Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION!, holds a board certification in Integrative Nurse Coaching and combines 20+ years of Nursing with 30+ years of fitness, health coaching and energy work to partner with mid-life women and healthcare workers who want to THRIVE!
She loves her husband, her two crazy cats and enjoys being in nature and having fun.
- Nicole Vienneauhttps://inursecoach.com/author/nicole-vienneau/
- Nicole Vienneauhttps://inursecoach.com/author/nicole-vienneau/
- Nicole Vienneauhttps://inursecoach.com/author/nicole-vienneau/
- Nicole Vienneauhttps://inursecoach.com/author/nicole-vienneau/