Melody Love Hawkins

Love Hawkins


Clinical Faculty

Love Hawkins has well over 20 yrs of experience in mentoring/coaching women along life’s journey. She has 15+ yrs in nursing with experiences in the pain management setting, labor & delivery, 1st surgical assisting and providing pre & postoperative care in urological procedures. She was a Certified Doula when she encountered the profession of the Nurse Midwife, which sparked her journey to becoming one.

Love holds board certifications as a Nurse Coach, a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, and as a Nurse Midwife. She also serves as clinical faculty at a local college for RN students going through their NICU, L&D and postpartum clinical rotations. She has served in the US Navy and medically retired from the US Air Force in 2019. Her degrees include two AS degrees; Pre-Nursing and Behavioral Science from Georgia Military College, a BSN from Medical College of Georgia, and a MSN and Post Master’s Certificate from Frontier Nursing University. She has also completed two medical cannabis certifications and is currently enrolled in a Doctor of Nursing Practice/Master of Public Health program at Nebraska Methodist College.

She enjoys providing nurse coach services as well as coaching medical cannabis patients on the endocannabinoid system, the many ways to support it as well as the safe use of medicinal cannabis. She seeks to also educate other healthcare professionals and her local community on the proper care of the endocannabinoid system. She has a deep love for assisting anyone towards becoming higher versions of themselves, but an even deeper passion for assisting women in that endeavor and looks forward to “being the change” along with all other nurse coaches!

Between the two of them, Love and her husband Steve have 6 children with ages ranging from 7 yrs old to 30 yrs old. She lives in Fort Walton Beach, FL with her husband and 7yr old daughter, Loveleigh.