What ‘ACTION’ Stands for in our Podcast ‘Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION!’

Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! podcast is the
podcast where Nurses, healthcare professionals and consumers come to hear from inspirational Nurse leaders in health and wellness coaching. 

We cover the latest innovations, ideas, and breakthroughs from Nurses who are shifting the paradigm of disease care to HEALTH care, through the art and science of Nurse Coaching.

So, what does the word ‘ACTION’ Mean?  As the Host of Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! allow me to give you some perspective…

It’s a blessing to be a graduate of the Integrative Nurse Coach® Academy

It’s a blessing to be a graduate of the Integrative Nurse Coach® Academy and the International Nurse Coach Association Community.  I know and trust, that at any time, I can pick up the phone or  jump on video and chat with a fellow Integrative Nurse Coach® who truly ‘gets me’. 

The friendships I have been fortunate to nurture allows me to feel safe and at ease in conversation.  My fellow Integrative Nurse Coaches, remind me of my strengths and my gifts.  And I always feel energetic and positive after a conversation with a fellow INCA Alumnus.Incamosaic

Our Nurse Coaching experiences, and our individual and unique stories energetically link us.  This is truly remarkable and enigmatic since we are physically located all over the world. 

In fact, Integrative Nurse Coaches are so powerfully linked, sometimes I clearly feel the zing of spirited love flowing into me from all spaces of the Earth.

At the time of this article, we have 1,200+ INCA graduates!  Sisters and brothers from all around the world spreading the love of Integrative Nurse Coaching and helping our Earth feel more vital, whole, and well.


It’s Hard to Keep Up

With 1,200+ Alumni it’s hard to keep up with everyone’s successes, ideas, work, and awesomeness, so creating Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! Podcast is one small contribution to continue to weave our threads together, because ‘you don’t ever let go of the thread’.

A bonus of our podcast is you hear from inspirational Nurse Leaders who are shifting disease care to HEALTHcare right before your eyes.  Their important stories open your minds and hearts to the possibilities around you, to create more health and wholeness in the communities you serve. 

The Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! podcast unites Integrative Nurse Coaches, connecting you to those you’ve yet to meet and reconnecting you to those you miss dearly.


Align the acronym A-C-T-I-O-N

It seems right and just to align the acronym ACTION! With descriptive words that speak to the character, ability, and breadth of Integrative Nurse Coaches.


So, ACTION! stands for:

A: Authentic
C: Curious
T: Truthful
I: Inspire
O: Open
N: Nurture


We invite Nurses seeking a different way to practice Nursing to listen to the stories of transformation gained through the Integrative Nurse Coach® Certificate ProgramWe encourage you to join in our quest to uniquely honor your patients, clients, communities, families and YOURSELF with presence, inner wisdom, and deep listening.

We welcome healthcare consumers looking for health and healing through an absolute partnership with their healthcare provider. A partnership where you lead, and the Nurse Coach is your absolute caring partner.

We call healthcare professionals to listen as we share stories about the value of health and wellness coaching and the opportunities that have transpired for patients, clients, communities because of the work of Nurse Coaches.  We ask you to consider the opportunity to incorporate the skill, expertise, and wisdom of Nurse Coaching within your realm of practice.

We invite YOU, because you are ready to live in ACTION! to listen to our podcast.


Listen to Our Nurse Coaching Stories

Listen to our Nurse Coaching stories when you want inspiration.  Listen when you are on a walk for self-care.  Listen to give your support to fellow Nurses.  Listen to fill your mind with ideas.  Listen to fuel your soul with passion.  Listen to honor your heart with love and compassion. 

And once you listen, leave us a 5-star rating and a comment sharing your appreciation for the wisdom, courage, and inspiration of your fellow Nurses.

The Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION! Podcast can be found on any podcast platform. 


Nicole Vienneau

Nicole Vienneau MSN, RN, NC-BC is a recovering burned-out ICU Nurse.  Through Integrative Nurse Coaching and holistic modalities, she’s on the daily voyage to well-becoming.

Nicole is founder Restoration Room  and Blue Monarch Health, an author, podcast host of the Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION!, holds a board certification in Integrative Nurse Coaching and combines 20+ years of Nursing with 30+ years of fitness, health coaching and energy work to partner with mid-life women and healthcare workers who want to THRIVE!

She loves her husband, her two crazy cats and enjoys being in nature and having fun.

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