Holistic Nurse Coach Leadership Can Transform Healthcare

(post) Holistic Nurse Coach Leadership Can Transform Healthcare

I remember it clearly.  It was Spring of 2011, and I was in my second semester of nursing school, fully immersed in the often overwhelming culture and language of mainstream healthcare.  

I had joined the American Holistic Nurses Association as a student member to stay connected to my dream of integrating a holistic approach in healthcare, amidst my rigorous, pressure-filled nursing school experience.  As a massage therapist for 10 years with a passion for holistic nutrition, I was determined to integrate my knowledge and skills into my nursing path- whatever that may be.  I remember what inspired me to follow my calling into the area of Nurse Coaching.  

I came across an article in AHNA’s Beginnings Journal, and it led me down the path of finding INCA’s Integrative Nurse Coach® Certificate Program (INCCP).  I even cut out the article’s title and put it on a ‘dream board’ of images I collected for a Women’s Retreat last Fall.  I have now completed my BSN, received my nursing license in Texas, and will be completing the INCCP this May!  I am so grateful to have stayed connected to my passion, and my belief in holistic healthcare has led me to this incredible community of visionary nurses!  I hope you will be as inspired by this article as I still am.  We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.   

Click the following link to view the article, Holistic Nurse Coach Leadership Can Transform Healthcare, written by the co-founders of the International Nurse Coach Association, Barbara Dossey and Susan Luck.

Posted with permission from Beginnings, Vol. 31, No. 1 pp 8-10 , Copyright 2011, American Holistic Nurses Association


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