Anah Aikman – First International Board Certified Nurse Coach

(post) Anah Aikman - First International Board Certified Nurse Coach

(Post) Anah Aikman - First International Board Certified Nurse Coach

My journey on the path towards health and well-being wholeness, has been a remarkable one. What began for me as a search to find answers on how we can better provide healthcare that incorporated the whole, create higher revered and ethical leadership within nursing, and ultimately make this world a better place for all who live on this planet, took me from South Island, New Zealand to New York, USA.

INCA’s Integrative Nurse Coach® Certificate Program was me, or more accurately, my potential, in a nut shell. It was not a fanciful thought or action; it was an instinctual gut feeling and I knew that this was the moment in time that I needed to go with the flow and allow whatever happened, to be open, for it would be a change-maker. I neither questioned nor reasoned the pros and cons, I just knew I needed to be there.

What has transpired has been an incredible journey that absolutely resonated with my being and has been a reflection of the soul. I have found a deep connection with other nurses who strive to make the world a better place, and with them comes their unique stories and perceptions. From the other side of the world, I came and found a community of like-minded visionaries. I celebrate this connection as together we will make a significant, positive difference in so many people’s lives. We will guide the intrinsic drive towards sustained positive change. Together we are one.

I have found my life’s purpose and am most grateful for this.

Today, I am an Integrative Nurse Coach® in all I do and I am mindful to continue to learn, grow and self-reflect in many moments. As I become distracted, I remember the importance of breath and take a moment or two, to just breathe and center. Life throws many distractions and challenges at us and I find it remarkable how a moment in awareness changes my perspective and, guided by inner wisdom, allows answers to manifest in acceptance and gratitude.

This is a lifelong journey towards peace and contentment. I am committed to developing the higher levels of the soul through self-reflection and evaluation, for without this we are unable to make the deep connections that are so important for healing. For the betterment of all, I trust the Integrative Nurse Coach® process and recognize all those who have contributed, great and small, to this powerful model of holistic care.

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